Is Magento Community Right for your eCommerce Business?

Magento is the fastest growing eCommerce platform with more than 300,000 worldwide users. The popularity is because almost every part of the Magento coding can be customized.  This  provides an impact oriented, highly functional solution for all types of businesses....

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AbleCommerce and Magento Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs are still effective for building brand loyalty, recent research shows. There are a variety of AbleCommerce plugins and Magento loyalty extensions available for use. Do Loyalty Programs Still Work? Yes, according to recent research findings by the Bond...

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The use of Slang in Ecommerce and Social Media

Social media platforms are full of slang words and phrases. Just because it’s become socially acceptable among friends to chat about the latest event, cultural topic, or simply what they had for dinner, does not mean consumers want to see their brands use terms for...

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eCommerce Email Marketing Trends 2017

eCommerce email marketing has been a winner for our clients. Here's a quick update about trends in 2017 and some best practices. eCommerce Email Marketing Trends 2017 Litmus Marketing did some research in January about upcoming trends. Their results are thought...

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